Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Life As My Phone Sees It 5/18/12 - 5/30/12

I got a little behind on my pictures again, but I'm just so glad I'm doing this to document what my life is like these days. One day I really think I'm going to be exceptionally glad I did these posts :)

 5/18/12 Friday and 5/19/12 Saturday - These pictures are a great example of "cause and effect". Above picture was Friday night late, when the hubby was getting excited for the round of golf he was going to play early the next morning. Below picture is Saturday afternoon after golf, when he was passed out on the floor from golf exhaustion :)
5/19/12 and 5/21/12 - That same Saturday the 19th, we found Charlie hanging out in his crib during naptime, SITTING UP all by himself. He had been doing this for about a day... and so we knew it was time to lower the crib. So, the next picture (taken on the 21st) is Charlie in his new lowered crib for safety!
5/22/12 - A closeup of the flowers I planted on my porch this season. Adds some color to our life!
5/23/12 - T's youngest brother, Trent, graduated from high school! So, we went down to Salem that evening for the ceremony, which was held on the football field. Despite the fact that it was late May, it was sort of rainy, very windy, and cold!! Brr! But we survived, and it was fun :) Congrats Trent! Charlie got to stay up late that night, and he wasn't even too cranky about it! Plus, I captured this awesome picture of the sun getting ready to go down - clouds above and mountains below.
5/26/12 - Shopping spree day! I worked really hard helping build websites, so I won a $250.00 shopping spree. I was able to purchase 5 shirts, 2 skirts, 2 pairs of colorful skinny jeans, 2 pairs of shoes, 1 pair of denim knee-length shorts, and a set of sunglasses! That's an average of $20/item, so I'm pretty happy with my finds :)
5/29/12 - Charlie and I went to Seven Peaks Water Park in Provo for the first time this season! We hung out with Jenny and Henry for a while. The first pictures were taken at home before we left, and the second set of pictures were taken at Seven Peaks. He LOVED the water. He splashed, crawled around, played with some toys, and tried to climb onto Henry. This summer is going to be a BLAST!
5/29/12 - And, in fact, Charlie had so much fun that he was passed out COLD before we got to the car. He even stayed asleep while I transferred him from stroller to car seat. That's a first for him! Sweet sleeping boy:
5/30/12 - Charlie is getting better at crawling by the day! He finally figured it out a few days ago and now he can quickly (awkwardly) crawl across the room and get to what he wants. I left the door open outside while I was watering my flowers and look who came to say hello :)
Shortly after that last picture was taken, Charlie got more daring and tried to climb down the 2 inch drop, lost his balance, and landed on his forehead. Needless to say, he wasn't too happy about that, but I picked him up, kissed it, and made it all better :) I guess he's going to have to learn the hard way, and until then I'll be watching him really closely!

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