Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Life As My Phone Sees It 3/20/12 - 3/28/12

It's that time again! I don't have a ton of photos to show off today, because most of the ones I've been taking have to do with the "March Photo a Day" challenge that I've been participating in all month! In a few days (once March is over) I plan on doing a really big post and debuting these photos to the public outside of my Instagram community! I am SO excited to show you. I really really love some of them! In the meantime, enjoy these couple of gems from the last week:

On Thursday morning, 3/22, Charlie got to check out the stock prices with Daddy. Things are looking up! Love his little hand on the mouse!!:
Found little man passed out in his Jumperoo on 3/23. I guess I just let him jump too long! Haha oops... imagine my surprise when (upon being in the next room) I realized that the toy's noises had stopped. It only makes noise when it's moving around and Charlie is jumping. So, silent toy = no movement. I was petrified for about 0.798 seconds... and then realized he had probably just jumped himself to sleep! Good thing I was right!:
Yummy strawberry shortcake dessert on 3/27:
I can't wait to show you the rest! Just a few more days :)

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