Well, it's April 9 and it's been snowing all morning (fortunately not really sticking this time!). But, that isn't all! Last Saturday, April 2nd was a GORGEOUS day... think of nice 70 degree weather and sunshine. Then, overnight, we got 5 inches of snow, and it continued to snow on and off all day Sunday. See, I have proof:
I felt bad for all the spring birds, though, as they all had no where to stand except the roads where the snow had melted. All of their nests and branches were covered in snow and too cold to stand on. So, we tried not to hit the hundreds of birds that were hanging out on the roads as we drove up to Elk Ridge. It was kind of creepy, actually. Think of Hitchcock's "The Birds"...
Spring weather, please come soon! I miss the warm and the sunshine!! And I have some really cute new shoes I'd like to wear.
Sincerely, Alex
Tell me about it! I thought I had turned the heater off for good this season!