It's absolutely fantastic, and it's my new-found love. I've been doing it on and off for a while now, doing classes at Gold's Gym when I find time. But this year, I've made it a goal to really work my body into shape.
However, I'm one of those people who has a really hard time making myself lift weights or run on a treadmill... I find these things somewhat boring and painful in a not-so-good way. Therefore, I've created my own regimen for exercise that is probably what some would deem a little "unconventional". This semester, I'm taking THREE ballroom dance classes and a flexibility class at BYU. Believe it or not, the dance classes provide quite a bit of aerobic activity to replace the old, banal treadmill exercise. And the best part? I love to ballroom dance.
Then, to make sure I'm toning and strengthening my muscles, I have a goal to attend an hour-long yoga class at least twice a week. If you've never done yoga, you're probably in for quite the surprise. It's much more than balance and flexibility. In fact, yoga is practiced by many women in order to strengthen muscles all over the body. I can't believe how sore I am each time I go. It's a complete, full-body workout. Legs? Yes. Arms? For sure. Abs? Definitely! I was blown away.
But for me, the most important part about yoga is not the wonderful pain I feel the next day from being sore. It's the complete, immediate uplift I receive each time I practice. Each time I go, I leave feeling 100% better not only physically, but mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Whenever I have a headache, neck pain, or just stress, I attend yoga. And, without fail, I always feel better after going.
I found a site on the internet that describes a little about the practice of yoga and where it started:
"Yoga is a way of life; it is a system of education for the body, mind, and soul. The art of Yoga was created and practiced in ancient India, thousands of years ago, and due to its universal truths, it is a timeless value. Yoga may be practiced by anyone disregarding race religion, sex, age, culture…it is for the wellbeing of all humans!
Yoga philosophy states that the physical body is just a vehicle for the soul. To practice the thousands of techniques means to break through the layers of the physical, astral, and causal body limitations. When one achieves such a state, the cosmic energy and the soul mingle and become one, also known as enlightenment. The path of yoga is a life long journey that will bring everyone who uses its powers, joy and happiness in all aspects of their lives!"
My very favorite part of yoga is called savasana, and I would consider it a well-earned reward for a hard workout. Essentially, at the end of the hour, you get to just lay there on your back for about five minutes and breathe. And when you get really good at it, your mental state can completely change. You can become anything you want and escape everything you are. Sometimes, I become the sky and I wrap around the world. Sounds cheezy, but it's a completely refreshing release.
I would recommend yoga to anyone, no matter what your exercise goals or abilities. I believe it's for everyone and it's one of the most healthy things I have ever encountered and such a wonderful release!!
Seriously - Doubt it? I dare you to test me. :)
My very favorite part of yoga is called savasana, and I would consider it a well-earned reward for a hard workout. Essentially, at the end of the hour, you get to just lay there on your back for about five minutes and breathe. And when you get really good at it, your mental state can completely change. You can become anything you want and escape everything you are. Sometimes, I become the sky and I wrap around the world. Sounds cheezy, but it's a completely refreshing release.
I would recommend yoga to anyone, no matter what your exercise goals or abilities. I believe it's for everyone and it's one of the most healthy things I have ever encountered and such a wonderful release!!
Seriously - Doubt it? I dare you to test me. :)