Some stats about Delilah at 8 months old:
- Size 6 month, 6-9 month, and 6-12 month clothes
- Size 3 diapers
- Eats lots of solid foods. In addition to the foods she was eating last month, the new list includes things like cheerios, ritz crackers, graham crackers, bits of banana bread, tastes of other "grown up foods" like roasted sweet potatoes or banana pieces, and she also eats new baby food mixes (like veggie and fruit blends - these are some of her favorites!)
- Her milk eating schedule has changed just slightly. She still breastfeeds 6-7 times per day, but at night she gets a bottle of formula to help encourage her to sleep through the night.
- The bottle at night seems to have helped, as she will sleep through the night on occasion, and other times just wake up once to eat! Yay! She doesn't protest or gag at all anymore, and takes straight formula happily! :)
- Still naps twice a day. Once in late morning, once in mid-afternoon. She's usually awake by 4:30 or 5 and stays awake until bedtime at 8:30.
- Wakes up between 7am and 8am, sometimes later if she had a mid-night feeding.
- Absolutely refuses to take a pacifier, but that's okay because she doesn't really need it to help her calm down and sleep. Usually cuddling up to a blanket and getting cozy will suffice. :)
- She's officially a crawler! And, just a couple days later she started experimenting with pulling up on things, and she's getting stronger and stronger every day!
- Sits excellently, and knows how to crawl from sitting, and sit from crawling. Big girl!
- Is starting to wave hello and tries to say hello on occasion with a "Haaaaa" sound.
- Can drink through a straw.
- Loves to turn pages while reading books.
- She's a very talkative girl, and will string together lots of sounds and babble all the time. She calls both me and Trevor "da da da". I just love how social she is. Her face lights up when she sees people, or if she gets picked up, and it doesn't really matter who the person is. She's not too stranger shy (yet)!
- Hand-eye coordination is excellent. She's got the pincer grasp down to an art.
- With her new mobility, she has really enjoyed starting to explore her surroundings and play with her toys more. She will go for longer periods of time being able to entertain herself because there's more to see and do.
Here's a cute picture of her without a bow on, just for posterity's sake:
I'm seriously loving this age. Things get pretty fun for the next few months, and I have to say we're entering my favorite stage of babyhood. (Although I'm now trying to cope with the fact that I need to babyproof EVERYTHING in my house and always need to make sure there's nothing on the floor or within her reach that she shouldn't have!)