Yesterday (Saturday), Trevor and I spontaneously decided to walk over to the BYU vs. Air Force basketball game going on in the Marriott Center. Yes. I said spontaneously. I know, I'm shocked too. Anyone who knows Trevor well at all will attest to the fact that he has a very VERY hard time being spontaneous. He just really likes to plan for things, and there's nothing wrong with that, but it can definitely cause disagreements since he's married to ME - and I tend to like to be pretty spontaneous.
Anyway, we went. And there were TONS of people there. I mean full-house! We got there a little late and ended up sitting at the VERY top row of the student section. At least we got a nice wall to lean back on and didn't have to stand up at all! It was an okay game, but BYU was winning by quite a bit the whole time so it got a little boring. So I started playing with the settings on my camera.
This is reason #3028918 why I love my camera:
So that first picture is just a normal picture... but the next two show the magic - you can select a color that you'd like to pick out and have everything else be black and white. Take a look:
Yellows are cool, but I LOVE this one of the blues. In fact, I think BYU should put it online as an advertisement for BYU Basketball. Haha
Anyway, it was fun to get out and get to a game. It's "free" with the all sports' passes we purchased this year, so the more games we go to, the cheaper each game will be! Go BYU!
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