Since today is Father's Day, I wanted to take a minute to write about all the different fathers in my life and how special they are and have been to me.
First and foremost, of course, is my Daddy. There are about 100000000 things I could say about my wonderful father (like how musically gifted he is and how he taught me the joy of playing piano and singing), but there's one thing thing that will always come to mind first when I think of my Dad: He is absolutely the most caring, kind, and emotional father any girl could ask for. Although it used to make me roll my eyes and say "Daaaaaaaaddd!", he hugs and kisses me like there's no girl in the world more special than I am every time he sees me--no matter how old I get! :) He has been such a wonderful provider for my family and always worked so hard to make sure we could afford the things we needed. I really miss his delicious dinners he would always make and the fact that his steaks and hamburgers really are the BEST in the world. I love him so much and will always have a very large place in my heart for him. I love you Dad!
Second on my list is my wonderful, handsome, sweet, and hard-working husband. Like my Dad, he has done an amazing job taking care of me and making sure I am happy. He's got a smile that can light up any bad day that I'm having. He's so smart too, and loves reading all kinds of books. He encourages me to be better in everything that I do (including being a more spiritual person) and never lets me whine about anything. He's more than willing to clean up our often-messy home and helps out so much with dishes. I love the way that he is as excited about life and the little things as I am. It makes for fun, reflective conversations. I know I am so blessed to have found such an amazing guy to be my husband, and I am thankful every day for the fact that he loves me too! And even though he's not technically a "father" yet, I know one day he will be such a fantastic father to our children! I love you, sweetheart.Third up is my Granddaddy Frank (my Dad's Dad... on the right in the picture below). He is one of the sweetest Southern old men in the world, who's greatest joy in life is to fall asleep in his blue leather recliner while reading the paper or watching TV. I will also always remember how, at every family Christmas gathering, he would silently insist that the ripped-up wrapping paper be put immediately into his large black trash bag after opening gifts instead of laying on the floor. He is such a kind, gentle, and funny man and I am so glad that I got to be his first granddaughter. What a wonderful family I have! I love you, Granddaddy.Fourth is my wonderful Granddaddy Van (my Mom's Dad) who has since this picture (Christmas 2006) passed on to a better place. I remember so many things about him like the way his eyes squinted when he laughed and the way his hands were strong and worn and a little rough. I remember exploring his old "shop" out back from his house where he spent lots of time upholstering furniture. He loved poker, blackjack, etc. and therefore loved Las Vegas. Also, I admire his patience and perseverance in caring for my Grandmother for years as her health deteriorated. Although I can't consider him to be a "teddy bear" granddaddy, I know he really did love all of us in his own way. We are sad to have him gone for now, but I am so happy that his temple work was completed just a couple weeks ago. I truly believe he was celebrating as his name was taken through the endowment. I love you Granddaddy!And finally, I wanted to mention how grateful I am to have a Father in Heaven who also loves me so much and has blessed my life in so many ways I cannot even begin to count them. I am grateful for the love I feel from Him and the way He has manifested that love through the other "fathers" of my life. I am grateful to be able to speak to Him in prayer and receive answers to guide me through my life. I love you, Heavenly Father.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday and an even more wonderful Father's Day! :)
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