Here are some of her stats and fun facts at 7 months old:
- Size 6 month, 6-9 month, and 6-12 month clothes
- Size 3 diapers
- Breastfeeds about 7 times each day for about 10 minutes on one side. Eats solid foods twice a day and likes to snack on puffs or crackers too.
- She's really opening up to new flavors of foods. She'll eat green beans and other yellow/orange veggies now without an issue. She will eat a few bites of peas, but those are definitely not her favorite. She'll basically inhale anything sweet, including peaches, pears, apples, bananas, prunes, and oatmeal mixed in apple juice. She has also tried her first bit of ice cream and LOOOOVED it. That's my girl with a crazy sweet tooth!
- She has tried formula, and initially she absolutely hated it and would gag and press her lips together in protest. But now she's opened up to it, especially if it's mixed with breastmilk. But, if she's hungry enough she'll take it straight up. It just has to be warm enough and coming through a slow flow nipple.
- Naps 2 times a day. One nap usually lasts 1 hour or less, and the other for about 2 hours. One mid-morning, and another mid-afternoon.
- Bedtime is at 8pm. She still usually wakes up consistently once a night (around 1 or 2am) to eat and goes right back go sleep. Wakes up between 7 and 8 in the morning.
- She's great at falling asleep on her own and won't cry very much if we put her down when she's still awake. Although, her favorite way to fall asleep is while breastfeeding, of course!
- Excellent at rolling over, getting on hands and knees and rocking, and she has even started figuring out how to lift one arm at a time and place it back down.
- She has figured out how to sit up on her own for long periods of time! Yay Delilah! She loves to sit and play with toys or watch her crazy brother.
- She's getting extremely good with her hands. She can pick up most anything in front of her, making it nearly impossible to eat or type with her nearby (for example, right now as I am typing she's sitting on my lap grabbing at the keyboard and mouse!)
- Her pincer grasp is getting good... She's been practicing by picking up her little puff snacks from her tray on the Bumbo.
- She's such a little babbler and I love it! Some sounds that she has been saying is "ya ya ya", "wa wa wa", "da da", "ba", "ga" and all sorts of fun little baby talk. She'll even try to copy a sound when you make it first, and has successfully copied "Dada" a few times, which melts all of our hearts, and especially Trevor's. :)
- She loves to get in the car and talk to herself in the little baby mirror strapped to the headrest. Sometimes she'll just be babbling away at herself, and one minute later she's sound asleep!
- Getting a bit more hair! I think the bald spot on the back of her head is starting to fill in!
- She still loves bath time and jumping in her jumperoo and being around her family.
- She's a huge mama's girl (mostly because I provide the milk) and will start whining anytime she sees me and I don't give her enough attention. It's cute. ;)
Sometimes I think it's really appropriate that we named her Delilah because she really is such a "delight" to have in our household! :D