As usual, here is his 9 month photo I took today.
And the comparison over the last 9 months!
As he gets bigger and more mobile, you can imagine that it would get harder and harder to take these monthly pictures. I'm lucky to get one where he's sitting still. That lasts about 5 seconds. The next collage is of the nine photos I took during today's photo shoot. You can see he was much more interested in the bear than in looking at me. Fortunately, the first one was good! My other favorites are probably the bottom left (eating bear's nose) and bottom right (so proud that he's standing on the soft) photos.
Some new stats and updates:
- Eating habits are about the same (6 to 7 ounce bottles, 4 times a day, plus solid foods once or twice a day).
- We've broken out the larger bottles and the fast flow nipples.
- Size 3 diapers, but will transition to size 4 in the next day or so as the 3's run out.
- Clothes: Size 9 month, 6-12 month, 12 month, quickly growing out of 6-9 month.
- Weight is probably around 19.5 lbs. Height is about 26 inches, I think.
- Just started babbling "ba ba ba ba" last week! (See video)
- Developed object attachment this month. If you take something away that he was playing with, he will most likely start to cry because he's mad. Especially if he can still SEE the thing you took away.
- Knows what his bottle is. If you show it to him, he starts to freak out until he gets it in his hands.
- Getting more and more stable with standing (supported), crawling, and standing up on unstable objects like our chairs or his jumperoo, which sways around a lot. I want to get him something to help him learn to walk as it moves. Hmm.
- Has his two bottom teeth! I'm just waiting to see when the next ones will pop through. As he gets more teeth, I'll feel more comfortable giving him more "grown up food" because he will be able to chew better.
- Current grown up food that we have tried and he will eat: crackers, peeled and sliced grapes and blueberries, peaches, strawberries, noodles, cooked beans, small bits of bread.
I also want to list some of the things I love the MOST about my wonderful little boy:
- His long, beautiful eyelashes
- His toes
- The way he kicks his feet while sitting when he gets excited about anything
- How excited he gets when I come into his room after a good nap and he sees me
- That little, sweet voice that I'm getting to know now that he's babbling - melts my heart every time!
- When he thinks he's a big boy because I let him brush his teeth (see video) or play on the sofa or eat big kid food.
- Those chubby cheeks
- His slobbery, wet, wonderful kisses
- That LAUGH. Oh man.
- His pouty lip when he's sad
- How I can tell he loves me so, so much
- Blue eyes... need I say more?
And finally, a couple little videos to enjoy that illustrate some of the things I was telling you about. Brushing his teeth and his "excited feet":
And babbling with daddy:
Sometimes when I read about or talk to others about how their child is developing, I feel like saying "Hmm.. Charlie definitely doesn't do that yet", but then I remember that babies are so unique, and develop so differently on their own schedules. I have such a smart little boy, and he is MY little boy. I am so happy to have him in my life.